Sunrise and sunset times > Linz, Austria

Key sun stats

This table shows the most important sun facts for Linz, Austria. By sun hrs lost we mean the number of hours that the sun is shaded by the terrain. Hover over each row for more info.

Latest sunset 20:34
Earliest sunrise 05:44
Latest sunrise 08:21
Earliest sunset 15:31
Average cloud cover 68 %
Average sun hours per day 11:10
Avg PM sun hrs lost 00:33
Avg AM sun hrs lost 00:35

Sun indexes

An index value of 100 percent means that there is no terrain shading. If the index is 50 percent, the terrain blocks the sun half the time. You'll find the sun index values for each month further down on the page.

Total 91 %
Morning 89 %
Afternoon 92 %
Winter 88 %
Spring 92 %
Summer 92 %
Autumn 90 %

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Formatted Address
Time Zone
Height above ground
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Month by month

Period Total (%) Morning (%) Afternoon (%) Sun hours Daily average sun time
Overall 91 89 92 4086 11:10
January 88 90 87 244 07:52
February 89 90 87 264 09:06
March 90 90 91 336 10:50
April 93 89 96 384 12:48
May 92 89 95 438 14:08
June 91 89 93 443 14:46
July 92 89 94 448 14:27
August 93 89 96 411 13:15
September 92 89 95 348 11:36
October 88 89 88 296 09:33
November 89 92 87 248 08:16
December 87 88 85 227 07:19
Winter 88 90 86 735 08:05
Spring 92 89 94 1158 12:35
Summer 92 89 94 1301 14:08
Autumn 90 90 90 892 09:48

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Date Weekday Sunrise Sunset
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