
This website belongs to:

Suncurves AS

Østre Hopsvegen 27

5232 Paradis


By entering and using this website you explicitly agree to the following general conditions.

Intellectual rights of ownership

The contents of this website, including brands, logos, drawings, data, product and company names, texts, images and suchlike are protected by intellectual rights of ownership and belong to Suncurves AS or rightful claimant third parties. The information and data on this website may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without Suncurves AS's express written permission.

Limitation of liability

Sun conditions depend on shading, not only from terrain, but also from nearby objects like buildings, constructions and trees. The shading type that this website takes into account is shading from terrain. The horizon that we calculate is a very good approximation, but errors and discrepancies can occur. We strongly advice a visual inspection on site to verify the information that this website provides. Suncurves AS puts in great efforts so that the information placed at the user’s disposal always remains complete, correct, accurate and up-to-date. In spite of these efforts, inaccuracies can occur in the given information. Should the rendered information contain inaccuracies or should specific information on or through the website not be available, Suncurves AS will put in the greatest effort in order to rectify this. However, Suncurves AS cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage which results from the use of the information on this website. Should you find any inaccuracies in the information placed at the user’s disposal through this website, please contact the website administrator. The contents of the site (left included) can be adjusted, altered or completed at all times without any prior notice. Suncurves AS will not guarantee the proper functioning of the website and cannot be held liable in any way for bad functioning or a temporary in-availability of the website or for any form of direct or indirect damage, which would result from the access to or the use of the website. On no account, can Suncurves AS be held liable against anyone in direct or indirect, particular or other way for damage caused by the use of this website or other, especially as a result of links or hyperlinks including and without any restriction, every loss, work interruption, damage done to programs or other data of the computer system, software of or other of the user. The website may contain hyperlinks or pages of third parties or may refer indirectly to these pages. Setting up links to these websites or pages on no account implies the implicit approval of their contents. Suncurves AS explicitly declares it has no authority over the contents or the other characteristics of these websites en can on no account be held liable for their contents or their characteristics or for any other form of damage as a result of its use. Applicable law and authorized courts of justice Norwegian law or legislation applies to this site. In case of any disputes, only the courts of justice in Norway are authorized.